Editorial Status

DentalPro  is a platform dedicated to specialists and professionals within the different sectors of dental medicine.

DentalPro  is a privileged vehicle for the promotion of the Portuguese scientific culture; outlining the higher end research created within the country and throughout the world, by gathering information produced within the academic world, research units, the industry and the market.

DentalPro guarantees the publishing of social and scientific events; promoting the work of researchers and professionals within the different areas of performance contributing to the publishing of scientific and technical articles of researchers, responsible for the development of innovative technologies.

DentalPro guarantees the daily update of its webpage as well as its social networks’ pages, reaching a universe of thousands of professionals, university students and remaining players within the different sectors.

DentalPro respects the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic and all the remaining laws of the Portuguese Republic, in particular those that fall within the scope of the rights, obligations and duties of the Press Laws and the Code of Ethics for Journalists.

DentalPro covers the entire Portuguese territory and guarantees an updated diffusion of its contents internationally through the internet.